Tejas movie review: A Sky-High Thrill Ride with Kangana Ranaut

Tejas: A Thrilling Flight Through Skies and Patriotism

Director Sarvesh Mewara’s latest cinematic spectacle, “Tejas,” takes you on a heart-pounding journey through the skies and the world of geopolitics

In “Tejas,” director Sarvesh Mewara unleashes an exhilarating rollercoaster of a film that could have been edited by a highly caffeinated squirrel. It’s a wild ride that traverses the skies and geopolitics—a cinematic adventure that doesn’t hold back.

A Mission of Tension and Anticipation

The movie revolves around a daring rescue mission deep within a Pakistani outpost, reminiscent of the popular film “Uri.” This operation is designed to outsmart the enemy, and it delivers moments of nail-biting tension and anticipation.

An Unruly Start, But a Thrilling Finish

The first half of the film may feel a bit chaotic, with scenes rushing by like commuters scrambling to catch the last train home. However, “Tejas” regains its footing in the second half as the action intensifies on the battlefield. The aerial combat scenes in the climax are executed with precision, maintaining a commendable tone that never descends into noisy jingoism.

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The Unconventional Heroine

Kangana Ranaut shines as Tejas Gill, a fearless IAF pilot who thrives on danger. The film is undeniably Tejas-centric, with other characters revolving around her like satellites. Relationships take a backseat to Tejas, who steers the narrative with an intensity that could rival a shot of espresso. The consequences of her actions are often overlooked, but that’s to be expected, as she is the film’s protagonist.

Tejas movie review: Kangana Ranaut’s pays a pilot in the movie/image source: BookMyShow

A Patriotic Ode to the Indian Air Force

The movie offers a mix of reverence and dramatic license in its portrayal of the Indian Air Force. It paints a heroic picture of the IAF, emphasizing the bravery and dedication of its pilots. While this patriotic fervor enhances the film’s appeal, it occasionally teeters on the edge of excessive jingoism. A Fine Line Between Heroism and Eye-Rolls

While the movie attempts to steer clear of Pakistan-bashing and focuses on the issue of terrorism, it sometimes veers into eye-roll territory, especially with a villain named ‘Sarqalam’ and a daring rescue operation meant to make the enemies appear foolish.

Yearning for Depth

“Tejas” makes an effort to introduce us to Tejas’s background and the nurturing environment that fostered her dream of becoming a pilot. However, these aspects are only skimmed over, leaving us with a rather one-dimensional view of her character. We understand she’s brave and patriotic, but we crave more depth.

“A Soundtrack That Overpowers

The film’s soundtrack, though fitting for a movie centered around the Indian Air Force, can be overwhelming. The use of loud and eerie music during action sequences occasionally distracts from the narrative. While the temptation to incorporate hard rock and metal tones is understandable given the film’s theme, it could have been handled more subtly.

One peculiar aspect of the film is the repeated use of the name “Tejas.” It’s as if the writers were either pressed for time in brainstorming names or were under pressure from their SEO team to saturate the film with the keyword ‘Tejas.

“In Conclusion, Tejas: A Thrilling Flight with Kangana Ranaut”

In the end, “Tejas” soars when it comes to action but stumbles when attempting to navigate complex geopolitics. Kangana Ranaut, in the titular role, delivers an earnest portrayal of a female airforce pilot who occasionally has to prove her place in the Air Force and in society as a free-thinking, independent, and courageous woman. She is perfectly complemented both literally and metaphorically by Anshul Chauhan, who adds guile, patience, and a touch of cinematic drama to the mix. “Tejas” is a pulse-pounding adventure that leaves you breathless in the skies but occasionally searching for a bit more substance on the ground.

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